If you’re reading this, you deserve to be the most authentic version of yourself.
If you’re reading this, just know that you belong.
If you’re reading this, find your light.
If you’re reading this, it’s okay to struggle within.
If you’re reading this, don’t give up because of self-destruction.
If you’re reading this, I see you.
If you’re reading this, you are worthy of it all.
If you’re reading this, remember to spend some time outside and exercise!
If you’re reading this, understand that healing is not linear.
If you’re reading this, it’s okay if all the energy you have is put into surviving.
If you’re reading this, know that your experiences shape who you are, but your past does not define you.
If you’re reading this, you deserve to be here.
If you’re reading this, just feel.
If you’re reading this, reading this, it’s a beautiful day.
If you’re reading this, I promise you it gets better.