Mary K.
Photography by Nia Jones
If you’re reading this, find your light.
My name is Mary. I have come a long way from where I started my mental health journey. When I was in high school, I struggled with anxiety and depression. I had really high standards for myself and I would often be down on myself when I didn't perform the way I wanted to. I often thought it was unfair that I had to work so hard. I often had days when I felt really foggy and tired, but because of my strong faith in God I was able to push through. I would always ask myself the questions: What is wrong with me? Why is this happening? The truth was I was different and beautiful in my own way.
I have a creative mind, a lot of wisdom, and a big heart. There is no one just like me in this world, so why would I judge myself so harshly? Well the truth was, I was undiagnosed with Bipolar Disorder. For a long time I was stuck trying to figure out how to cope with my depression and anxiety without knowing my complete diagnosis. It wasn't until my freshman year of college at Catholic University that I had a bipolar episode and my parents finally realized what was going on.
Meanwhile, I didn't think there was anything wrong.
I was shocked and confused when I found out I was bipolar and had to leave my friends and freshman year behind. But something miraculous came out of this experience. I found a deeper faith in God and I discovered songwriting. Sometimes in the darkest times you are able to discover the most important things about yourself. At the same time, I felt alone, confused, and frustrated. Through my songwriting I was able to create several songs about healing. I wrote songs about love, letting go of perfection, and beauty. These songs have not only transformed my life, but the people around me. I want to continue to write music as a career and continue to impact people through my music and other special gifts. I thank God for the courage and beauty I have found within me even in the darkest of times. I am so grateful for my friends and family.
They are my light when I struggle and my ray of sunshine on a cloudy day.
Mary K., Virginia Commonwealth University
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