
If you’re reading this, your voice is valued.

The world can be a loud, busy, and unpredictable place, but your voice has the power to stop it. Your words, thoughts, and ideas also hold weight and truly matter. Your perspective provides insight to those around you. Your experience and wisdom can be passed as encouragement to someone who may not know where to go in their life’s journey. Though you may come from a different background, your truth matters.

There will be times when doubt comes to mind when you ponder if what you have to let be known is worth it. Maybe you’ve been interrupted or overlooked, or maybe it made you feel like your voice doesn’t hold any power. Please, don’t silence yourself. Remove that narrative out of your mind! Speak up! Sing! Write! Create! Share your ideas with confidence! Someone out there needs to hear what only you can say, which could make a difference, protect a friend, motivate someone, or save a life. In some cases, it just takes your voice to push a notion, make something positive happen, or change one’s views.

There are people on campus who truly do need to hear your voice! I encourage you to search on TigerQuest to find what organizations you are interested in and help make this campus better. I ask that you grow your network through conversations with professors and LinkedIn. I request that you stop at group tabling on campus and go to events that spark you to create changes in the community. A few organizations include Gantt Multicultural Center, Central Spirit, PEER/WISE, Clemson Undergraduate Student Government, Clemson Debate Society, and Clemson Public Safety Student Advisory Committee.

The world needs voices like yours—honest, bold, and full of life. You never know who might be waiting to hear exactly what you have to say.

Anonymous., Clemson University


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Arthi B.


Grace C.