University of Virginia
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Resources is one of many great resources available to University of Virginia students. Below we’ve provided a brief description of a few of these resources, as well as how to access them. While this list is not exhaustive, we hope it is helpful.
Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) provides clinical services to eligible students.
Location: Elson Student Health Center, 400 Brandon Avenue
Daytime Phone: (434)-243-5150
Crisis Phone: (434)-297-4261
Cville CBT is a therapy practice in Charlottesville whose specialities include anxiety, depression, OCD, stress management, supportive counseling, life enrichment, and more. Cville CBT also offers online therapy for students who are on break or abroad.
Location: 3 Boars Head Lane, Suite C-6, Charlottesville, VA 22903
Phone: (434)-566-0113
HELP Line is a 24-hour confidential and anonymous hotline intended for UVA students and Charlottesville community members, supervised by Madison House. When you call HELP Line, you'll be connected to a trained UVA student who will listen to you without judgement about any issue: from stress about your classes to questions about your sexuality to grief over the loss of a friend.
Phone: (434)-295-TALK
Region Ten is part of a statewide network of 40 Community Service Boards working to provide mental health, intellectual disability, and substance use services where they are needed. The Access and Intake process begins with a simple phone call. The phone number for the Charlottesville location is listed below.
Phone: (434)-972-1800
The Shelter for Help in Emergency (SHE) works to support and empower victims of domestic violence through a combination of residential, community-based and outreach services. SHE offers a comprehensive range of services including crisis intervention, case management and counseling, legal advocacy and court accompaniment, programs for children and adolescents, and outreach to the Spanish-speaking community.
Hotline: (434)-293-8509
Phone: (434)-293-6155
The Sexual Assault Resource Agency (SARA) serves anyone who has personally experienced, or cares for someone who has experienced any kind of sexual violence, including rape, sexual assault, sexual abuse, sexual molestation, incest, sex trafficking, stalking, sexual harassment or unwanted touching. Services are provided free to all survivors.
Hotline: (434)-977-7273
Phone: 434-295-7273
Peer Contact
If you would like to talk to someone as an empathetic friend for support or just a conversation, please feel free to reach out to UVA’s peer contacts directly using this form. This person is not a certified counselor, but rather a UVA student who can listen and empathize.
The Peer Contacts have completed a psychological first aid training.
While our peer contacts are here to offer a listening ear, it is important to note that they are also obligated to report any situations where they believe a student may harm themselves or others to UVA CAPS. This reporting responsibility is in place to ensure the safety, security, and well-being of all members of our community. It is not intended to discourage open and honest conversations, but rather to ensure that appropriate measures can be taken if someone's well-being or safety is at risk. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in helping us maintain a safe and supportive environment at UVA.
Est. 2016
By Alexandra Pentel Lawlor, Class of 2018
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If you're reading this, I, and so many others love you exactly as you are.