Stethos[Cope] is a chapter of IfYoureReadingThis designed to help medical students and professionals cope with the unique stressors of medical training and change the narrative of mental health in medicine.

Mental Health in Medical Trainees
Several studies have revealed that medical students, physicians, and healthcare professionals experience mental health symptoms at rates significantly higher than the general population.
Ultimately, the prevalence of depression and suicidal ideation among medical students and professionals is not just a number — it's a call to action. There exists an urgent need for systemic changes within medical education and training environments to more effectively address mental health concerns and be proactive about institutional and peer support.
Stethos[Cope] is a movement towards a healthier, more supportive medical education environment.
We aim to help medical students and professionals better manage the challenges of training by sharing interviews and messages from real people that:
Educate by providing actionable, tangible advice for coping
Comfort by making medical trainees feel seen, heard, and supported
Empower by showing strength in vulnerability and sharing stories of overcoming and resilience
Create community by showing that nobody is alone in their journey
Normalize working on your mental health in the medical field and encourage help-seeking behavior
Stethos[Cope] is committed to creating a learning atmosphere where mental health is acknowledged and prioritized. We hope to transform the landscape of mental health in medicine through sharing personal stories, promoting authenticity, and fostering community.

Why peer support?
Social support acts as a buffer against stress, reduces the sense of isolation, and increases resilience, which is crucial for those in high-stress environments. For those in healthcare, receiving support from other individuals in healthcare is the most beneficial in reducing stress. Additionally, maintaining a strong support system is vital for healthcare personnel, who are required to relocate often for school and early training. (1,2)
Why Storytelling?
Stories turn something that happened into something that helps define and shape us. They help us understand who we are, how we got here, and who we want to be. Sharing our stories fosters a deeper connection with our community, as well as offers a powerful medium where we can offer advice and help others feel less alone in their journeys. Reading others’ stories is a way to connect with other people, gain practical insight, and foster understanding and empathy within ourselves. (3,4)
What’s new in medicine & mental health

Nominate someone
to share or be interviewed
One of the best ways to contribute to our mission is to author your own letter. Share your story, thoughts, or support with your community today.
While we strive to create a supportive community through Stethos[Cope], we also recognize the importance of accessible resources. Here are some dedicated resources for medical students and professionals seeking support.
ACP Medical Student Resources
The American College of Physicians curates resources specifically tailored to medical students. They include articles, podcasts, webinars, and other tools to help students maintain mental health and avoid burnout.
TherApist Database
The Psychology Today Therapist Database can help people find a therapist near them. People in need of mental healthcare can search for a therapist by insurance, type of therapy, price, expertise, language, faith, and sexuality.
Peer Rx Med
PeerRxMed helps physicians connect with other physicians to help support each other through their challenges. This program helps pair physicians together to create a “buddy system.”
AMA Medical Student discounts
For many, the financial stressors of medical school take a major toll. The American Medical Association has collected a list of discounts and benefits designed for students’ personal and professional lives.
The Green cross Support services
The Green Cross hosts both online and in person support groups for emergency responders. They help first responders to care for their physical, emotional, and spiritual well being.
National resources
For national resources not specific to medical school or healthcare professionals, visit our National Resources page to find additional tools that may be useful to you.

Get Involved
Contribute to the conversation
One of the best ways to contribute to our mission is to author your own letter. Share your story, thoughts, or support with your community today.
Join the team
IfYoureReadingThis is entirely volunteer-run. Get in touch to see how you can join the Stethos[Cope] team or create a chapter at your institution.
Journal Club
Interested in learning more? Our Journal Club discusses new research as well as that week’s letter to increase education alongside peer support.
Join the movement
More ways to promote mental health in medicine

The Hub
Want to learn more about mental health topics? Our medical student members additionally write public- and patient-education articles breaking down some frequently discussed diagnoses, treatments, and more into high-level (but still validated), easily digestible pieces.
Contact US
Please use this form to contact the Stethos[Cope] team. We value the thoughts and opinions of our readership and will respond as soon as possible. If you’re looking to contact the overall IfYoureReadingThis team, please use our Contact page.
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