UVA 2023 Class Council
Photography by Jessica Pentel
If you’re reading this, you’ve got a support system in us.
College is hard. That’s a fact.
It often feels like there are hundreds and thousands of expectations weighing down on us. From deadlines, to social obligations, to finding an internship, to watching the 300th lecture video of your day, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. College is supposed to be a time of “self-discovery” but that sentiment can often be overshadowed by the fear of failure, by doubts, by impostor syndrome and the constant, nagging worry that you’ll never be good enough.
We know this because we’ve felt it: all of us.
Compounded even more by COVID-19 and months of isolation, this has not been a good year for mental health. We’ve all struggled more than we’d like to admit, feeling hopeless and lost in such an uncertain time. But we’re here to tell you that you are not alone, ever. While there are so many people who seem like they have it all figured out, we’re all going through our own unique struggle. Nobody is perfect, and it’s our emotions, our ups and downs, that make us human. Today and every day, your emotions are completely valid and you are not alone.
Please know that we in Class Council are here for you. It’s a tough time in all of our lives, but we want you to know that we have your back. We are here no matter what you are struggling with, whether it be a rough day or a long term mental illness. We want you to know that you are a valuable part of the UVA community and we care about you so deeply. Even on the days you don’t feel it, you are so important to us and to this university. No matter if we’re best friends or have never met, we’ll be your support system always, no questions asked. We’re here for you every step of the way.
In closing, we’d like to make some requests of you. Please reach out to a friend today and ask them how they’re doing. Give someone a hug (or an air hug to be COVID-safe). Tell someone how much they mean to you. Practice self care, whatever that means to you. Allow yourself to rest. Drink water and eat something to nourish your body. And most importantly, if you’re struggling, reach out to us. When we say that we as Class Council have your back, we mean it. Our hearts (and our emails) are always open. Please reach out to any of us if you need anything at all. You are truly the reason we love UVA.
The Class of 2023
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