
Photography by Jalencia Pouge

If you’re reading this, I don’t know who this will reach, but I hope it feels like a warm hug when it does. 

College can feel like a rollercoaster, you’re at the top of the world one second, and the next, you’re spiraling downward, wondering if you’ll catch a break. I’ve been there, too.

Let me tell you something I wish someone had told me, “It’s okay not to have it all together.” I remember sitting in my dorm room last semester, crying over a pile of deadlines, feeling like I was letting everyone down. I called my mom, and she told me something simple but powerful: “Take it one breath at a time, baby.” That’s stuck with me ever since.

When things feel like too much, I lean on what helps. For me, it’s journaling. I enjoy writing down my thoughts until they make sense, or don’t, and that is okay too. Sometimes I will walk around campus with my headphones on, listening to music that makes me feel alive. Lately, Beyoncé’s “Bigger” has been my anthem.

If you are reading this and struggling, know you are not alone. It is not weak to reach out for help—it is brave. Talk to someone you trust. Even if it’s just texting a friend to say, “I’m not okay,” that’s a start. And remember, there’s no shame in getting professional help. Therapy has been a game-changer for me. I don’t know if other students are aware of this or not, but there are counselors on campus. I have my own insurance though, so I have my own personal counselor. I am a huge advocate for having a therapist, it is, in my opinion, weird at first, but oh my God, it is totally worth it. Please, give it a try.

You’ve got this. The world needs you, your light, your story. Don’t let the hard days convince you otherwise.

Sending love.

Anonymous, University of South Carolina


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Ally H.


Anabel P.