Triangle Fraternity
Photography by Sarah Odgen
If you’re reading, this just know we’ve got you.
As a fraternity of young men, we understand the challenges men face when it comes to speaking out about our mental health. We’ve all been there, those early semesters when you’re still figuring out who you are, still trying to make friends, still figuring out how to balance classes, clubs, research, relationships, friendships, and being away from home. It's overwhelming. But you’ll find your people. We know that because we found ours. Whether it's in a fraternity, a club, your classmates, or your roommates; you’ll find the people who say we’ve got you.
When you do find those people, you’ll know because they’re the ones who will have your back no matter what. They’ll be the ones who listen when you need it. You’ll finally feel comfortable talking about the things you need to talk about. Then as you get more comfortable telling your people you’ll become more comfortable talking openly about your mental health. Our brothers can attest to how their journey with mental health changed when they found their people.
James M.
”My mental health has been the biggest struggle of my college tenure. I constantly had a rotating group of “friends” who seemed to be transient and not supportive of my mental well-being. I didn't feel accepted when I spent time with them, I just felt like I was always on the fringe. That all changed when I started going to Triangle events. As I got to know the brothers, I learned that there are people out there like me. Those who live to socialize yet are also intelligent and emotionally available. From that point, I felt accepted before I even joined. Upon joining, I immersed myself in participating in philanthropy and social endeavors, which gave me the structure that I so desperately needed. Mental disorders can be incredibly isolating, but my brothers in Triangle have accepted me like family and have helped me succeed academically and emotionally. I don’t feel afraid to open up about my struggles with my brothers, I don’t have to wonder if they accept or want me around, and all my contributions to the success of Triangle gives me a deeper sense of fulfillment that was lacking in my psyche. The brothers of Triangle got you.”
”If you’re reading this just know that you will find your place. As an international student, I flew 9000 miles to a place I did not know anyone. I had to come out of my shell and get acclimated to a new academic system, culture, and people. Adjusting to so many changes was hard but finding my people here helped me a lot. Knowing that I have a brotherhood to whom I can talk about anything and that they will always have my back kept me going. So, if you're navigating the complexities of life, remember that progress takes time. You will carve out your space, and in due course, things will indeed get better.”
Tomas C.
”Going through that first semester of college was rough. Learning how to adapt to the new life I had found was taking its toll on me. I was struggling to find ways to keep myself motivated and take care of myself. Once the second semester rolled around, I met an incredible group of friends who truly helped me get through all of it. Finding them helped me feel at home here in college and get my motivation back. If you’re reading this, you’ll find your people. It may not be who you ever expected it to be, but they’ll be the ones willing to help you out when you need it, the ones who can make you laugh when you’ve had a bad day, the ones who have got you.”
Your time will come, and you’ll find your people, don’t be afraid to step out of your shell because if you’re reading this just know we’ve got you.
The Brothers of Triangle Fraternity, Virginia Tech
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