Sophie A.
Photography by Jessica Pentel
If you’re reading this, it’s okay to feel lost.
Anxiety is a tricky thing because it manifests differently in everyone. For some, it creeps up during class presentations. For others it arises at the sight of a spider on the ceiling. My anxiety however, stems from both being and feeling lost.
The phrase “being lost” can be conceptualized as not knowing where one is with regards to physical location. I get this feeling when I’m driving to both new and familiar places. Although I am viscerally aware of how to get to places I have been before, I still use the GPS to ensure that I won’t get lost. Not knowing where I am physically presents itself as the worst case scenario for me, and I do anything to prevent the stress that comes with it.
Along with the fear of being lost physically, I also have a deep sense of dread when it comes to feeling lost emotionally. When I came to UVA as a first year, I was overwhelmed by the amount of people who seemed to know what they were doing. I, on the other hand, was struggling with managing school work and trying to find things that I was passionate about. Navigating a new social environment also proved difficult, as I saw people around me form friend groups effortlessly. The transition to college was difficult, and there was no “GPS” to guide me. To overcome the feeling of aimlessness, I opened my mind to seeking out help from resources and my support system to begin feeling like I actually belonged at UVA.
It is easy to feel lost at a place like UVA where everyone else seems to know exactly where they are in life. But I want you to realize that not everyone has it all figured out at the start. Establishing yourself is a long process and disruptions such as the pandemic pose new challenges for everyone with regards to adjusting to a new social and academic environment. However, I want you to know that there are an abundance of resources at UVA to help cope with any new transitions or hardships you are facing. It takes great courage to seek out help, but the reward is even greater.
If you’re reading this, know that you are capable of finding yourself again.
Sophie A., University of Virginia ’22
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