Shreya P.
Photography by Nina E. Jones
If you’re reading this, you are where you’re supposed to be.
Coming into college, I have always been a planner. From Google Calendar to handheld planners to full-on graduation plans with classes included, I always had a plan. In high school, I was a 4.0 student. I knew what I wanted to do with my life and exactly how to get there. Unfortunately, college hit me like a truck. I came to college and had my priorities messed up my first semester. There was a lot going on with the pandemic and online school slowly becoming a norm. On top of that, we were dealing with the existing stressors associated with college. At the end of my first semester, I ended with a GPA that was nowhere near the plan that I had for myself. It was a really scary feeling and tanked my confidence a lot.
As a senior, I am proud to say that throughout the last three years, I have been able to raise my GPA significantly. I have been involved as a RA and an orientation leader on campus. Being on the e-board for organizations like Active Minds has given me the chance to create that welcoming space for others. I was given the opportunity to help support many students through these transitions, and I am so thankful for the connections and what they have given me in exchange. Looking back at my college experience, none of my plans could have predicted what life had in store for me. I am no longer pursuing what I thought I would be, but I am so happy with where I am and how far I have come.
If you are stuck in a place where you feel lost or unsure about where you are headed, I want you to know that you are EXACTLY where you are supposed to be. Make sure to take every new opportunity or situation and learn from them. There is always something in every situation that will contribute to the person you are meant to be. Remember to experience everything and introspect every so often to allow yourself that opportunity to grow. If there is ever a time that you feel lost or unsure about what’s coming next, just keep going. Romanticize your life and everything that comes with it. Love yourself and your body, because both of them work so hard to keep you strong and healthy.
If you’re reading this, know that I am cheering you on! :)
Shreya P., Virginia Commonwealth University
This post is a part of a collaboration between and Active Minds.
Active Minds VCU is part of the larger national organization that is dedicated to fostering a safe environment for students to discuss their mental health journey and find members for their support system. AM regularly hosts events open to members and students to get to know each other and promote ways to increase wellbeing. If you’re interested in joining the org, please visit @activemindsvcu on Instagram.
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To follow IfYoureReadingThis at VCU on Instagram, get in touch with our chapter, and learn about more resources available to VCU students, visit our chapter’s homepage.
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