Evan, Madelynn, and Ruma
Photography by Jessica Pentel
If you’re reading this, you have a friend in us.
We are Evan, Madelynn, and Ruma, and we are excited to announce that we are the Peer Contacts for If You’re Reading This. We joined IYRT because we want to help eliminate the stigma surrounding mental health issues and help anyone who struggles with it. While we may not have experienced some of the problems you are going through, we do understand the difficulties that come with mental hardships and how lonely those moments can be. Our goal is to let you know we are here for you as a friend with a shoulder you can lean on at any time.
As Peer Contacts, we provide counseling for UVA students who might need a friend to listen. If you need someone to talk to and are not comfortable seeing a professional or are hesitant to discuss it with others, please reach out to us. We are more than willing to help in any way we can, whether it be a simple check-in, providing guidance, or connecting you with available resources to better support you. We are all mental health first aid certified and have gone through extensive empathy training; however, we are not professionally certified counselors. We are here to empathize with you and help empower you to seek the good in yourselves, no matter the scale of the issue. Our meetings will remain 100% confidential and they can be as casual as a coffee date or as personal as a closed door meeting. We are simply an accessible resource to provide you with unbiased support and advice. Whatever you need, we will provide it. If you’re reading this, you have a friend in us.
Evan, Madelynn, & Ruma - Peer Contacts
“I joined the IYRT team to serve as a listener and motivator for those struggling with their mental health. As a Peer Contact, I hope to comfort my peers and remind them that their concerns are valid, but most importantly, that it’s okay to ask for help and support. Everyone deserves to live a meaningful life, and by understanding and empathizing with each other, we can take that step forward together in a friendly and nonjudgmental manner.”
-Madelynn, ‘23
“It is easy to feel like everyone else has their life together, but I believe that each person may be fighting their own silent battles. Apart from my own experience, mental health issues have affected a number of my close friends and family as well. I know how important it is to have people in life that can support you in your time of need. Knowing a peer who is ready to listen and can offer support is truly valuable. I wanted to be a Peer Contact so I could help be a part of that support system whenever someone may need it.”
-Ruma, ‘22
“For me, it felt like I was alone in my struggles for so long. Part of the reason it took me so long to finally admit to and come to terms with my mental health struggles was because it wasn’t something that was publicly seen for me or by me. When I came across IYRT, it felt like I had found my calling to be that voice for others. To be able to speak with and hear from an individual who has been in similar situations has been incredibly empowering for me, and rewarding to be that person for others. Every one of us has had our own difficulties, and I just wanted to be able to help other people through them and remind them that they will be okay.”
-Evan, ‘22
You can contact the Peer Contacts via the UVA homepage.
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To follow IfYoureReadingThis at UVA on Instagram, get in touch with our chapter, and learn about more resources available to University of Virginia students, visit our chapter’s homepage.