Photo by Cassie English

If you are reading this, things change. 

If you’re reading this, you need to know that it’s okay not to know everything about your life.

Sometimes, especially in college, it may feel like you are expected to know everything about your life. We should know what our next move is and we should know everything–otherwise, what are we doing as adults, right?

Wrong! It is completely okay not to know everything; I know I don’t. Let me be completely honest. My father, who is 42 years old, quit a job he’s had for over 20 years, found his dream job, and the difference in his mood is crazy. He is genuinely happy right where he is. Sometimes it takes time to understand what you are meant for, and that is okay.

You might not be the brightest in the class, but that is your perspective. Do not compare yourselves to others in your daily life or your classes, because just like how they don’t know what’s going on in your head, you don’t know what is going on in theirs.

You may see them as the most successful student and they might see you the same way. You are worthy and it is okay to take life one step at a time. You do not need to know everything right away.

I have changed career ideas four times and majors three times, and you know what? I’m still unsure, and that’s okay. You are okay, and it is okay to not know what’s next for you.

Kylie S., Arizona State University



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Galen R.