Justin M.
Photography by Emma Kraus
If you are reading this… I stand with you.
On a daily basis, we are faced with obstacles, some more challenging than others.
Life does not provide us with a user's manual, we can only develop our own through reflection, and having insight into our experiences – both good and bad.
We are human… It is ok to feel pain… It is ok to cry… It is normal.
Some of my most challenging days were during dental school – timing and cultural differences between my girlfriend and myself put strain on our relationship. We decided to take time to figure out what we wanted… The hardest part was seeing her every day, as she was my classmate.
Every day – I saw her and wished for things to be different. I felt pain… I cried… I was struggling. I realized I needed to share my feelings and my experience with my roommates and family, and it helped. My parents shared a story that they never told me (or my siblings) that helped give insight into what I was going through. They had faced a similar challenge at the beginning of their relationship.
I continued to do me, and do what I enjoyed… school, reading, and playing/watching basketball were and still are my outlets. With time and persistence in communication of my feelings, and regular reflection on how my days were – good days began to string together. Things did end up falling into place, my girlfriend and I decided that we are each other's person and that we are ready to face the challenges that are ahead of us. But, that is a story for another day…
When faced with a challenge, I try to be methodical and consistent in my approach to the situation. I aim to be reductive in the assessment of the obstacle, utilizing a twist to Occam’s razor. I unravel the situation into its simplest form to provide myself with insight into what I am facing and prepare myself to act.
Most importantly, I do not prepare alone… utilizing my support system in my family and friends along with persistence in reflection – my toughest days will not persist.
If you are reading this, and are going through a tough time, don’t do it alone… I am here for you.
Justin M., Boston University
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