SGA Co-Presidents: Lukas A. & Laura P.
Photography by Joseph Bui
If you’re reading this, we want you to know that we support you.
Even at a school as small as Colby, it can sometimes feel like you are alone.
Whether you’re a first-year or a second-semester senior, it can be hard to navigate academics, extra-curriculars, and social activities in college. COVID has even further exacerbated this and has left many of us feeling more alone than ever. The stresses of college can be...crazy! We know the pressures and stresses exist because, just like you, we’ve felt them too. While it may seem like you’re the only one having a hard time, there are many secretly experiencing similar thoughts of anxiety, stress, and sadness. As the leaders of the Student Government Association want you to know that you are not alone.
While we might seem focused on legislation and programming, at the end of the day, our goal remains simple: to foster an environment at Colby that is welcoming, encouraging, and supporting of all students. It is individuals like YOU that make our Colby community so special. Without your vibrant energy, caring attitude, and passionate voice, our community would not be the same. While tough times surely come, we want you to know that we are here to help you get through it.
While it may seem difficult to see the positives during the tough days, we have one ask. Take some time to step back from the stresses of college and practice some self-care. You owe yourself a small treat or special occasion to help break out a struggling routine.
College can be tough, and, as your leaders, we want to make sure that you are able to enjoy the highs of your time on Mayflower Hill as well as be supported during the lows. Please know that we are always here for you.
Lukas A. & Laura P., Colby College
SGA Co-Presidents
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