Christopher R.
Photography by Emily Daly
If you’re reading this, you are not alone. You are far from alone. Right now, at this point in your life, it may feel like you have no one. I have felt this many times and immediately ask myself, what would life be without me?
If you truly dig deep inside, what have you accomplished and what is making you feel down?
First off, I don’t care what anyone on the face of this earth says but you go to Clemson; you are smart. Whether you have a GPA of less than 1.0 (like me) or as high as 4.0, you are still smart. Think about the amount of people that would give up everything to attend Clemson. You matter. You have done something that many can’t do.
I know this year has been hard on you and has made you feel the most alone you have ever felt. This honestly sucks but let’s try to look at the positive. If you feel alone, let’s change that. I want you to know that you are far from alone. People love you and are here for you even when it doesn't feel like it, even people you do not know yet.
I have found that advice is something that really helps in a down time when you don’t know what else to do. This may seem easy but if you truly listen to someone else and what they are saying, you will find that you matter and that many other people feel similarly to you.
I know that feeling alone is something that is hard to deal with. Personally, I have gone through depression to the point where I felt so alone that I wanted everyone else to notice me and try and include me but never tried to reach out myself.
If I can give you a piece of advice, I know that this may be the hardest thing to do and feels like it won’t help at all. I felt the same way but when I started reaching out and found my group, it changed my life and it helped.
Please know that you are not alone. You never will be. You know how I know that? Because here is my phone number (864)-436-0810. Call me, text me whenever. Please. Every person on this earth matters and there are no exceptions, especially you.
Christopher R., Clemson University
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