Caroline L.
Photography by Kinsey Goodman
If you’re reading this, know I am proud of you.
A lot of people don’t hear this enough. There’s this concept that in order to be proud of someone, you have to have done something huge to be proud of. When in reality, waking up and existing is something to be proud of. You have made it another day and your beautiful presence adds to the world. You bring so much light, joy, and energy to the life of yourself and to others. I am so proud of you.
I know it might not feel that way at times, but you are so important. Important to me, someone you might not know. Important to your friends, family, any pets you have, even your bed and a childhood stuffed animal. You are so important. I know the creeping thought that comes in the back of your mind that wants to tell you differently. I know the weight of life that you carry is heavy. I know the feeling of devastation. While the thoughts in our heads may be different, I know the idea that tends to scream so loudly that you are not important and that you are not loved. However, while that voice seems to be so prominent and loud, overtaking all other thoughts, please remember you are important and you are loved.
Your importance is something to be proud of. Be proud of yourself for the days where you get out of bed, clean your room, when you eat, do homework, etc.
I am proud of you for getting out of bed, your bed can be a safe space and I understand wanting to stay in that cocoon of blankets. I am proud of you for getting up.
I am proud of you for cleaning your room because I know it feels like the most tiring thing in the world to do. I am proud of you for taking the time to do that for yourself.
I am proud of you for eating, whether it was leftover food or a new meal. You are putting energy into the beautiful body that is yours. I am proud of you for fueling yourself.
I am proud of you for going to class and doing your homework, it feels taxing and draining having to go to class and doing work you don’t want to do. But I am so proud you did it.
And be proud of yourself for the days where all you can do is lay in bed and be alive.
I am proud of you for existing and staying to see another sunset. A day where you feel like there is nothing else you can do except exist. I am proud of you for choosing to stay another day.
Being a human, especially a college student, is so hard right now. It is hard to be you and it is okay to acknowledge that. But while you acknowledge how hard it is, also acknowledge how strong you are. Through all the turmoil that life has thrown at you and will continue to, take a moment, breathe, and acknowledge how indestructible you are. You are a force to be reckoned with, you are an amazing and intelligent human being, you are you. I am so proud of you.
Only you have been with you. Through the good and bad times, the emotions you have felt, the loneliness and comradery. You have stuck with you throughout the entire time and that is commendable on a multitude of levels. It is hard to be yourself sometimes, I don’t want to be with me some days. It’s a gutting feeling and it’s an emotion that is okay to feel. And on those days where you would rather be anyone else in the world, remember that you are you. That you are a survivor to life and a warrior to what is to come.
You are you. And you are here. You are important. I am so proud of you for that.
Caroline L., Virginia Tech
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