BC Exec Team
If you’re reading this, the IYRT BC Team is happy you’re here.
It’s the beginning of a new semester and the Class of 2028 has just arrived on campus. In this letter, the IfYoureReadingThis Boston College team shares advice and words of encouragement for the newest members of their campus community.
If you’re reading this…
You are so much more than your academic life and accomplishments. That’s merely a small part of who you are.
Know that it is okay if your interests change over time. You do not have to stick with the major you applied with!
Go to office hours; your professors care about you and they want to help you.
The semester will get easier as it goes on, with time.
It’s okay if your freshman year does not look like it does in the movies.
Comparing your first year experience to those around you will not fulfill you. Remember that everyone has their own unique journey and there are no standards or expectations you have to meet.
The friends who lift you up and love you as you are, are the ones who will stick around. These may not be the first people you meet and that’s okay.
While it is important to make connections, you do not need to socialize all the time. Keep an eye on your social battery. Try going for a Res run, heading to the Plex, attending candlelit mass, or exploring the Chestnut Hill neighborhoods if you feel yourself burning out.
It may take some time to find your place. However, it is not all or nothing, You will find a club, a friend group, or a job that brings you joy.
Try to take advantage of volunteer opportunities to connect with your community and break out of the BC Bubble.
You are strong for trying something new. You are brave for moving away from home.
You are capable of more than you know! You have 17+ years of experience and living behind you.
You’re not the only person who feels scared, stressed, or alone.
You are not the only one carrying a heavy load. Many of your peers feel overwhelmed too.
Take the time you need to care for your mind and body during this busy new season of life.
Think of yourself as a garden, you won’t always be in bloom and that’s okay. Keep watering yourself and taking care of yourself, even if you don’t immediately see the results.
There is support for you on campus and you do not have to do it all alone! Check out the BC Wellness Resources tab on your Canvas.
Our team is here for you.
The IfYoureReadingThis Boston College Team
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