Photography by Alexandra Pentel
If you’re reading this, you have a story to tell.
You are a protagonist intermingled with hundreds of side characters. Each provides you with new information and new support. You have a struggle, and you are in the rising action. You fight something that only you could know. It is a unique struggle and it is an extraordinary one.
Your story may be linear, your story may have twists and turns, and your story might even go in a loop then under the ground. The only part of the story that matters, is that it’s your story. Maybe you can’t see how your story ends. That’s ok; the plot does not define a story.
At the end of the day what defines a good story is one where the characters learn something. Throughout your story you will continue to grow and learn new things and that is what makes your story great.
I can’t wait to read about you some day.
Anonymous, University of Virginia
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