Georgetown University
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One of the best ways to contribute to our mission is to author your own letter. Share your story, thoughts, or support with your community today.
Resources is one of many great resources available to Georgetown students. Below we’ve provided a brief description of a few of these resources, as well as how to access them. While this list is not exhaustive, we hope it is helpful.
The Student Health Center helps direct all students to appropriate care through in-person and virtual visits.
Phone: (202)-687-2200
Address: 3800 Reservoir Road NW, Ground Floor, Darnall Hall Suite G20, Washington, DC 20007
Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) is dedicated to helping students develop greater self-understanding, identify and solve problems, and improve academic performance. CAPS offers individual therapy, group therapy, psychiatry, workshops, outreach, consultation, and emergency care.
Phone: (202)-687-6985 (dial and then press 1)
Address: Main Campus Office Darnall Hall (exterior entrance 2nd floor), 3800 Reservoir Road NW, Washington, DC 20007
HOYA Wellness Wheel & Resources
The HOYA Wellness Wheel provides a visual representation of the nine dimensions or areas of an individual’s life that contribute to their overall health and serves to outline resources available on Georgetown’s campus that will further address these needs. It includes information and resources on Physical, Emotional, Occupational, Social, Sexual, Intellectual, Environmental, Spiritual, and Financial wellness.
GU Active Minds
Active Minds is a Georgetown University student organization dedicated to destigmatizing mental health issues by providing mental health awareness and education for young adults.
You can connect with the organization through Instagram.
Georgetown Health Education Services
HES provides confidential crisis response, referrals, and advocacy for concerns related to Sexual Assault, Relationship Violence & Stalking, Alcohol & Other Drugs, Sexual Health & Pregnancy, Eating Disturbances & Body Image, and Nutrition. Students do not need a referral to seek services at HES, and all clinical services are completely free and confidential.
Phone: (202)-687-8949
Address: 1437 37th St. NW, Poulton Hall, Suite 101, Main Campus (located in the building next to the Center for Social Justice, on the corner of 37th and P St.)
HoyaWell is a service for all degree-seeking undergraduate and graduate students that provides access to 24/7/365 tele-mental health services from anywhere in the United States at no cost to students including 24/7 support, scheduled counseling, and psychiatry. To talk to someone today, you can go to the HoyaWell website to register with your Georgetown email address. Register through the website with your Georgetown email.
Contact: (833)-484-6359 or
Est. 2024
By Sophie McDowall, Class of 2025
Learn more about the Georgetown chapter founding and the IfYoureReadingThis story.
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