Florida State University
One of the best ways to contribute to our mission is to author your own letter. Share your story, thoughts, or support with your community today.
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Follow us @IfYoureReadingThisFSU, or email ifyourereadingthisfsu@gmail.com to get involved with our chapter.
IfYoureReadingThis.org is one of many great resources available to FSU students. Below we’ve provided a brief description of a few of these resources, as well as how to access them. While this list is not exhaustive, we hope it is helpful.
Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) offers Telemental Health Services, in-person services, and Telephonic Crisis Support to students. They also provide psychoeducational workshops via Zoom which focus on anxiety and depression.
Location: 250 Askew Student Life Building, 942 Learning Way, Tallahassee, FL 32306
Phone: 850-644-TALK
RENEW is a peer-education program of undergraduate students who are selected to provide outreach and intervention on emotional wellness. Additionally, RENEW facilitates events on campus promoting emotional wellness, serves as ambassadors to the Counseling and Psychology Services, and helps in reducing the social stigma of mental health counseling.
Location: Location: 250 Askew Student Life Building, 942 Learning Way, Tallahassee, FL 32306
Phone: 850-644-TALK
NAMI FSU is an on-campus student mental health group that provides information and resources on mental health conditions to the FSU college community.
Location: 110 South Woodward Avenue Tallahassee, FL 32306 United States
Phone: 850-644-6230
Email: namioncampusatfsu@gmail.com
The Case Management Clinic provides short-term crisis counseling, advocacy, and emotional and academic support.
Location: Suite 4128 University Center A, 282 Champions Way, Tallahassee, FL 32306
Phone: 850-644-9555
LIFT Recovery Community
The mission of LIFT is to help students in recovery from addiction and substance misuse thrive during their college experience. At LIFT, students learn beneficial coping skills in an accountable recovery community where they can also develop friendships with like-minded peers.
Location: Thagard Building on the 4th floor/ Hours posted in Lobby
Contact: lift@fsu.edu
FSU Campus Recreation offers a variety of opportunities to increase overall wellbeing through getting fresh air and exercise. Students can try the Leach Recreation Center for group fitness classes, the Leach Aquatic Center to receive your scuba certification, the FSU Reservation to kayak, the FSU Challenge Course, or join an intramural team.
Location: 118 Varsity Dr, Tallahassee, FL 32304
Est. 2024
By Carolina Bellon-Garcia, Class of 2024
and John Vodenicker, Class of 2026
Learn more about the FSU chapter founding and the IfYoureReadingThis story.
See how the work of the FSU team contributes to achieving our mission.
If you’re reading this, at some point tomorrow will be better.